This tool works for DT10.cpk decompressed (don't need decompress each file .bin.
This tool edits:
- Players.
- Transfers.
- Teams.
- Competition entry.
- Stadium.
- Click on Image or File->Open.
- Select the folder where are the folder "common".
- Press on "Assign url" to replicate the links or select url for each file, and "Accept".
- Player.bin
- PlayerAssignment.bin
- Team.bin
- Competition.bin
- CompetitionEntry.bin
- CompetitionRegulation.bin
- Stadium.bin
- Tactics.bin
- TacticsFormation.bin
- PlayerAppearance.bin (default in common\character0\model\character\appearance\)
Tutorial How To Use Click Here
Credit : ejogc327
Master seo indonesia